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Recipes Recipes

Today we will prepare chebureks with meat and tomatoes; together with a juicy vegetable, the dish will become even tastier. Th...

40 min 0

We suggest preparing Peremyachi (Tatar belyashi with meat). These are golden brown flatbreads made from yeast-free dough and filled with mutton

50 min 0

Tatar wak-belyashi is a small round pie baked in the oven. It has a very attractive appearance, tender, slightly crispy dough and juicy meat filling. A tasty and satisfying dish is the hallmark of Tatarstan. Not a single holiday table in the country is comp...

120 min 0

Do you want to quickly and tasty feed your family? Prepare lazy belyashi with kefir. They fall into the category of nutritious “quick-to-cook...

40 min 0

Prepare golden brown beef belyashi using our quick and easy recipe. As a result of simple culinary creativity, you will get a delicious...

90 min 0

Pamper your loved ones by preparing delicious and satisfying belyashi from yeast dough in the oven. Thanks to our recipe you will get acquain...

120 min 0

Do you want to get acquainted with Tatar cuisine? We will give you a recipe for traditional Tatar pies. Echpochmak - Tatar triangles with

120 min 0

Prepare golden brown belyashi with potatoes. A thin layer of unleavened dough is combined with a delicate vegetable filling. Delicious ingre...

70 min 0

Add some variety to your family menu and prepare triangular belyashi with tender minced chicken. With their non-standard shape they ...

120 min 0

Homemade belyashi are airy products, slightly crispy on the outside and very juicy on the inside. Appetizing pastries with spicy meat filling belong to traditional

180 min 0

Soup with noodles Tokmach is the culinary pride of the Tatar people. It is loved for its taste, richness and simplicity. This soup has a little ...

90 min 0

On cool evenings, lunch should be truly hearty in order to feel the special atmosphere. It warms and replenishes energy after a hard day with a hot dish - azu from beef. We will analyze his recipe together.

60 min 0

The classic Tatar pie is known to the world under different names: "kurnik", "zur belish" or "echpochmak", it's all about the filling. Tatar zur belish with

120 min 0

Open belyashi with chicken in the oven are fluffy yeast products with a fragrant juicy filling. Small round belyashi in Tatar style ...

180 min 0

Lush fried dough, with fragrant juice, meat filling is belyashi. We owe the appearance of round pies with a hole in the middle on our tables to the Tatar

40 min 0