🍚Bakery flour wheat🍚 - ground wheat grains to the state of powder, used in cooking for baking bakery and confectionery products. This type of flour is recognized as the most popular, as pastries based on it are airy, moderately sweet with a pleasant taste.
342 calProteins
9.20 grFats
1.20 grCarbohydrates
74.90 grNutritional value per 100 g. Calories calculated for raw foods.
Glycemic index
85Common allergen
yesMake sure that you do not have an individual intolerance to this product.
Archaeologists suggest that the first people to receive flour were the ancient people of the Neolithic era. Even before the birth of agriculture as a fishing business, the inhabitants of stone caves learned how to crush grains of wheat into dust. For this purpose, they used the simplest set of two stones, which were later replaced with huge stone stupas. Crushing grain turned out to be a difficult task, but very soon the ancient people guessed to grind it into flour with the help of new invented devices – grain graters. The Egyptians were especially fond of this invention, because it greatly facilitated household chores, which at that time were only done by women. Similar inventions were also found on Russian lands.
With the development of production and industry, more advanced inventions for flour production began to appear. A grand breakthrough occurred in 1879, when mills powered by steam generators appeared in France. Over time, flour became an indispensable ingredient that went for cooking in every family. Starting in 1940, the product began to be enriched with vitamin PP, thiamine and iron directly at the mills, after which it was sent to the masses for sale.
The benefits of the product can be judged by its quantitative content of vitamins and minerals. Although flour is not so rich in useful nutrients, it certainly brings certain benefits to the body.
✅ It saturates the body with energy – wheat, like all cereals, is almost completely represented by carbohydrates. Carbohydrates of vegetable origin are characterized by a high content of starches, easily and quickly absorbed by the body. Without carbohydrates in the diet, a full life becomes impossible, because they are involved in the nutrition of muscles and brain cells. A bun will help you quickly restore energy after physical labor and forget about fatigue.
✅ Relieves constipation – weakened intestinal motility is well stimulated by dietary fiber contained in plant foods. To combat intestinal problems, it is better to choose whole grain products. In general, flour contains other fiber – soluble, stabilizing insulin secretion.
✅ Strengthens the musculoskeletal system – wheat grains are a source of silicon, calcium and magnesium involved in the construction of bone tissue. These same elements are necessary for optimal metabolism in all tissues.
✅ Strengthens the nervous system – cereals are valued by doctors for their record content of B vitamins, which are involved in many metabolic processes in the body. First of all, without them, the normal activity of the nervous system becomes impossible. B vitamins are involved in the transmission of nerve impulses, the synthesis of red blood cells and are responsible for the beauty of the skin and nails. Having eaten a couple of slices of bread made from wheat flour, it is possible to replenish 10-15% of the daily requirement of these vitamins.
For some people, the product becomes not just harmful, but even dangerous. It is better to familiarize yourself with the contraindications and bad effects of flour in advance before the appearance of undesirable consequences. You can talk about the benefits for a long time, but before deciding to introduce a product to the menu, you should learn a little more about it.
❌ It worsens the course of diabetes mellitus – an abundance of starches does not affect the condition of healthy individuals, but such products are prohibited for diabetics. The fact is that simple carbohydrates cause unstable fluctuations in blood glucose, which has an extremely negative effect on well-being in people with diabetes.
❌ Aggravates digestive diseases – with exacerbation of chronic and development of acute diseases of the stomach and intestines, carbohydrate foods are unacceptable in the diet. Gluten settles on the walls of damaged organs and makes it harder to digest the rest of the food.
❌ Promotes weight gain – if you want to lose extra pounds, you will have to forget about buns. Excess carbohydrates eaten as unnecessary are converted into adipose tissue, which adds extra weight.
❌ It causes celiac disease – the product is clearly contraindicated for people with gluten intolerance. In this disease, the body is not able to digest the gluten protein, which causes unpleasant digestive problems.
Healthy people with moderate consumption of flour products may not worry about their possible harm. However, those who suffer from any of the listed diseases cannot do without consulting a specialist.
The dough made from wheat flour has a slightly sweet taste. If the flour gives off bitterness, then this indicates poor-quality raw materials from which the product was prepared. If the dough is too sweet without adding sugar, you should think about ground flour from sprouted grains.
Modern cuisine is impossible without flour, as it is now difficult to imagine life without bread, buns and other confectionery. In fact, its use is not limited to baking. Chefs add flour to sauces and gravies to add the right viscosity to the dish. Housewives also roll cutlets and cheesecakes in it, which helps to get a crispy crust when frying.
In order for the dish to turn out perfect in the end, it is important to know the characteristics of various varieties of products, each of which is used by professional chefs in accordance with their nutritional characteristics.
This knowledge is especially useful for novice housewives who do not yet know the intricacies of preparing dough.
If you want to use the purchased product for as long as possible, it is important to pay attention to the manufacturer’s recommendations for storage even near the product shelf. Neglect of these rules leads to the fact that insects, mold appear in the package, acidity increases, and subsequently the flour completely cakes. Manufacturers advise storing purchased products at a temperature of no more than 1️⃣8️⃣°C. To ensure optimal humidity conditions, it is not necessary to achieve tight packaging, which increases the risk of mold detection. Not suitable glass containers, plastic containers and the most common way is to store the packaging in a tied plastic bag. It is better to give preference to “breathable” paper and fabric bags that support air circulation. Under the right conditions, the product will remain usable for 6️⃣ months from the date of manufacture. You can extend the shelf life up to 2️⃣ years by storing the packaging at a temperature approaching 0°C. The storage location should be away from sources of heat and high humidity.
The found cobweb in the package or dense lumps indicate the presence of pests, therefore, before starting cooking, it is necessary to sift the contents through a fine sieve. You can prevent the appearance of pests by unpeeled garlic cloves placed deep into the package with flour. This technique repels insects due to the irritating effect of esters and the aroma of garlic.
When choosing products in the store, it is important to pay attention to its grade, since high grades retain their qualities much longer than other grades of flour. By observing the ideal conditions for the highest quality flour, it is possible to preserve its culinary properties for more than 5️⃣ years.