🫕Flakes oat🫕 are a culinary product that is obtained by pressing peeled oat grains. Cereal culture has found its fans on every world continent, and the reason for this love is due to the availability and benefits of oatmeal. The morning of many families begins with a plate of tender oatmeal cooked in water or milk. Oatmeal for breakfast is an easy way to relive childhood memories with love.
366 calProteins
11.90 grFats
7.20 grCarbohydrates
69.30 grNutritional value per 100 g. Calories calculated for raw foods.
Glycemic index
40Common allergen
noMake sure that you do not have an individual intolerance to this product.
Oatmeal begins its journey into the gastronomic world from the hot lands that were located in the regions of modern Iraq, Syria, Israel and Turkey about 10 centuries ago BC. It was here that the ancient inhabitants turned their attention to the cereal crop, which they managed to “tame” on their plantations. Oat porridge is the simplest dish that nourishes the body with minerals, vitamins, fiber and complex carbohydrates. Doctors also knew about this, who recommended feeding weakened patients with porridge and oat stew. However, the ancient inhabitants of Greece and the Roman Empire did not support the love for this product and openly mocked the peasants who eat it. In those days, oatmeal on the table was considered a sign of poverty, because it was grown exclusively for livestock.
Oat grains began to turn into flakes in Scotland about 8️⃣ centuries ago. Then the product was used to prepare vegetable stew with the addition of cereals, which somewhat resembled the usual soup. But a few centuries later, Scottish settlers in the territories of America came up with oatmeal in its modern form. Since then, the dish has received recognition, overgrown with beliefs and has become the hero of multiple ritual ceremonies. According to one of the myths, porridge should be stirred only with your right hand in a clockwise direction, so as not to attract evil spirits to your table. And before the meal, you need to put cold hands in a hot plate so that they warm up with the warmth of cereals, after which each spoon is dipped into cold milk. It is difficult to say on what grounds these fictions appeared, but it is obvious that the ancient inhabitants took them seriously.
The Americans added seeds, honey, dried fruits, nuts to cereals and got a trendy dish – granola. In its homeland, granola is as popular for breakfast as the bread-and-butter sandwich among Russians. Nevertheless, it is not based on an exact recipe and cooking technology, so it is difficult to call it an independent dish.
Oats are found on the menu of a modern person much more often than he can think about it. Grain is added to cookies, bread, snacks, muesli and many other products that are sometimes difficult to guess. It turns out that all the benefits of cereals can be obtained even when using products with a similar composition. But can everyone eat oatmeal without fear for their well-being? – A question that doctors ask. After global research, they managed to get interesting and sometimes controversial discoveries that every Hercules lover should be familiar with for breakfast.
✅ Benefits for the heart – 10 years of observation of oatmeal lovers showed that among this part of the population, atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels is 20 times less common. This pattern can be explained by fiber, which helps the body cope with excess cholesterol.
✅ Protection against cancer – foreign researchers believe that 10 g of fiber on a daily basis will protect about 15% of the world’s population from colorectal cancer. All the same plant fiber has pronounced antitumor effects. And it also accelerates the elimination of toxic metabolic products that adversely affect the intestinal wall.
✅ Controlling blood pressure – a whole grain diet helps hypertensive patients cope with daily fluctuations in blood pressure. Oatmeal porridge, eaten about 1-2 times a week, may have an effect similar to antihypertensive medications.
✅ Improved metabolism – oatmeal provides a long-lasting feeling of satiety due to the slow digestion of dietary fiber. This fact prompted nutritionists to the idea that this product is especially preferable for losing weight. According to a new discovery, oat beta-gluconate stimulates the production of satiety hormone, which neutralizes the feeling of hunger and helps to reduce the amount of food eaten.
✅ Combating constipation – chronic bowel problems are common in older patients. For the prevention of constipation, insoluble fiber is recommended, which is abundant in cereals. Flakes have a slight laxative effect, bringing the weakened intestinal motility back to normal. A proper plant-based diet for half of people with constipation allows you to completely eliminate laxatives.
✅ Natural antioxidants – polyphenols and avenanthramides, known as the most powerful antioxidants found only in oats. These compounds stimulate the synthesis of a vasodilator factor – nitric oxide, which has a hypotensive effect and neutralizes inflammatory processes.
The medal has a reverse side – this is also true for food products. Oatmeal is far from harmless, as they say. Doctors were able to establish several of its negative effects, causing a number of health problems.
❌ Osteoporosis Risk – phinitic acid, found in cereals, can leach calcium molecules from bones. Therefore, oatmeal is not desirable in the diet of those who already have problems with the skeletal system.
❌ The development of celiac disease is a condition caused by intolerance to cereal gluten, which prevents the absorption of nutrients from the intestines. For this reason, foods containing gluten are not recommended for children under one year of age in order to protect a weak digestive system.
❌ Hypoglycemic conditions – although oatmeal is useful for diabetics, for healthy people it can contribute to problems. A sharp release of insulin after eating porridge leads to a decrease in blood glucose, which is manifested by an increasing feeling of hunger, weakness and tremor.
The harmful effects of oats do not threaten everyone, but only those who are predisposed to them. In order to prevent such problems, it is better to ask in advance about the possible consequences of using the product.
The taste of cereals depends on their cooking method. Flakes cooked with water have a neutral taste. If milk was used instead of water, then the oats acquire a delicate and pleasant taste.
You can make a lot of healthy breakfasts and pastries from oatmeal. The easiest way is to boil porridge in water or milk. Oatmeal is good friends with honey, nuts and fresh berries, which can decorate a plate of porridge. For those who do not like the morning routine, chefs advise trying to soak oatmeal in milk or yogurt for 3️⃣-5️⃣ hours. By this method, a full-fledged “lazy breakfast” is obtained, which is not inferior to traditional cooking.
With the development of healthy lifestyles, new ways to use cereal for breakfast have appeared. According to one of these recipes, it is possible to cook oatmeal. This versatile dish was invented by food bloggers, but it quickly became popular among fans of healthy eating. You can wrap your favorite filling in oatmeal pancake or eat it just like that with hot tea.
Whole flakes are used to make oatmeal cookies, muffins, and even bread. Want healthy pancakes? – Then you should grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder and the low-calorie flour is ready! Baking with such flour contains fewer calories and more benefits, so oatmeal is considered an excellent replacement for traditional wheat flour.
Flakes brought from the store should be stored in an airtight container made of cardboard, glass or plastic. It is undesirable to keep the container with cereals open, since at high humidity there is a possibility of mold. Also, do not leave the product in direct sunlight and near foci with temperature changes. The best place to store all your cereals and cereals is in a covered cupboard or pantry.
Hercules is edible for 5️⃣ months from the date of packaging. Cooked flakes keep their freshness only in the refrigerator for 4️⃣-6️⃣ hours. Before you put the container with porridge in the refrigerator, you should cover it with a lid or cling film – this will help keep the cereal in an appetizing form.