Servings: - 4 +
400 gr Fillet chicken
400 gr Champignons
2 Potato
1 Carrot
2 Onion One for broth and one for stir-fry
2 sprigs Parsley
2 sprigs Dill
0.5 glass. Rice white
4 glass Cheese processed Creamy
This aromatic, rich mushroom soup with melted cheese in chicken broth has a delicate creamy taste. It is perfect when you want to diversify your usual menu. Mushroom soup with processed cheese is very easy to prepare. The result will be excellent. Even those who do not really like broths and liquid dishes eat the soup with pleasure.
First of all, you should prepare the basis of the future soup - broth. Pour the thoroughly washed chicken breast with water and send the pan to the fire. When the broth boils, remove the resulting foam, lightly salt, lower the peeled onion and reduce the heat to a minimum. In the meantime, take the mushrooms yourself. Wash the mushrooms and cut into halves, which are then finely chopped.
Fry the chopped mushrooms in a pan until the moisture is completely evaporated and the state of readiness.
We clean and cut potatoes, onions and carrots: into cubes, cubes or straws - as you like.
In a well-heated frying pan, fry the onion, to which, after a couple of minutes, add the carrot.
By this time the broth will probably be ready. Strain it, put it back on the fire, wait until it boils and dip chopped potatoes and well-washed rice into it. Cool the meat removed from the broth slightly and cut into strips.
By the time the potatoes and rice are half cooked, put the fried mushrooms with vegetables in the soup and finely chop the greens.
Let the soup simmer a little more - no more than 3-5 minutes - and add the sliced \u200b\u200bmeat and melted cheese to it. Gently stir the contents of the pan until the cheese is completely dissolved, then add the prepared herbs and turn off the heat after a minute. When serving, garnish the soup with a pinch of fresh dill or parsley.
Enjoy your meal!