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International кухня
Chocolate liquor

Chocolate liquor

Ingredients picture


Ingredients picture 2

Servings: - 2 +

500 ml Vodka Or moonshine

250 gr Sugar

125 ml Water

about nutrition Per 100 gr.









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Homemade chocolate liquor is a sweet alcoholic drink with a low percentage of alcohol. This liqueur is becoming a favorite among coffee and chocolate lovers. And all due to the delicate aroma and pleasant taste. How to prepare a drink is quite simple, and the main difficulty lies in the correct exposure. To do this, you need only 4 available components and a few days of waiting. By the way, in time, chocolate liqueur is prepared quickly relative to other alcoholic beverages.

Preparation time: 8 days.

Description of Chocolate liquor recipe

Step by step recipe Step by step recipe

Recipe Chocolate liquor. Шаг 1

For the recipe for chocolate liqueur on vodka, we need to grind dark chocolate into small crumbs. To this end, we rub it through the smallest grater so that it dissolves faster. Try to keep the right proportion of chocolate and alcohol, otherwise the liquor will come out too thick.

Recipe Chocolate liquor. Шаг 2

We transfer the grated chocolate into a container with a lid with a volume slightly larger than the estimated volume of liquor. Add vodka to the container with chocolate and tightly tighten the lid. Now it is important to shake the liquor well every day for a week. Such manipulation is important in order for the chocolate to completely dissolve in alcohol and give off its taste.

Recipe Chocolate liquor. Шаг 3

A week later, when the liquor is almost ready, we proceed to the preparation of sugar syrup. In a saucepan, combine sugar and water in a ratio of 2: 1 and put it on the stove. We bring the syrup to complete dissolution of sugar over low heat, constantly stirring the mass. Then let the syrup cool down a bit.

Recipe Chocolate liquor. Шаг 4

Shake the container with liquor well again and filter through a sieve into a clean container. Any pieces of chocolate that have not had time to dissolve may remain on the sieve. Pour sweet syrup into the strained liquor and mix thoroughly. Now it remains to pour the liquor into a storage container. For better brightness of taste, let the liquor stand for about 2 more days so that all components have time to exchange tastes.

Recipe Chocolate liquor. Шаг 5

Chocolate liqueur on moonshine is ready! Despite the presence of alcohol in the composition of this drink, only a rich chocolate aroma is felt. As an independent drink, the liqueur is served cold. In addition, it perfectly complements the taste of coffee and can be used as a topping.
Enjoy your meal!


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