🧅Red onion🧅 is one of the varieties of the usual onion, which differs in color shade and taste. This vegetable is often found on store shelves and is in demand among consumers. The popularity of such an onion is no longer in color, but in taste. This specimen is more often eaten raw, since the lack of bitterness allows this to be done without unpleasant consequences.
42 calProteins
1.40 grFats
0 grCarbohydrates
9.10 grNutritional value per 100 g. Calories calculated for raw foods.
Glycemic index
10Common allergen
noMake sure that you do not have an individual intolerance to this product.
The first mention of the red onion was found in the documentary sources of Central Asia. Various findings led researchers to believe that this type of bulb was cultivated about 4000 years ago purposefully. Presumably, such efforts of ancient people were due to the fact that these varieties were preserved for a longer time and turned out to be more resistant to temperature changes.
The Egyptians loved onions in any form, especially for them it was considered a symbol of immortality. The vegetable participated in funeral rituals and mummification processes, thanks to which it received a rich history. In Greece and Israel, healers recommended it as a universal remedy for any ailment. And in the Middle Ages, red onions formed the basis of dietary nutrition.
A very popular variety called “Yalta”, cultivated on the Crimean peninsula. Local breeders, combining the material of the Spanish and Portuguese varieties, received a new specimen, which is now No. 1 among all red onion varieties. Local residents claim that the real Yaltinets grows exclusively on volcanic soil in the place of the former Pilyaki volcano, and what is supplied to the market from other regions is a blatant fake that has nothing to do with the taste of the real variety.
Bulbs of red varieties have a powerful effect on all organs, which helps prevent many diseases. This effect is explained by the mineral and vitamin composition that the vegetable is rich in.
✅ Stimulation of digestion – the constant intake of small onion portions favorably affects the functioning of the digestive system. Irritating substances stimulate impaired motility, thereby improving the absorption of substances and the promotion of the digestive lump through the intestines. It is believed that the sulfur compounds from onion juice trigger the process of increased fat breakdown, resulting in a decrease in excess fat.
✅ Prevention of cancer – a head of red or purple onion is recommended to be eaten daily by people who have a burdened heredity for intestinal tumors. The active ingredients help restore your own antitumor immunity and prevent cell damage by free radicals.
✅ The fight against atherosclerosis – a fresh vegetable helps to gradually reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. The number of atherosclerotic plaques decreases, and consequently, the risk of developing a heart attack and stroke decreases. It can also be assigned a role in lowering high blood pressure and reducing the intensity of headaches.
✅ Antibacterial action – onion esters and phytoncides are able to destroy microbes and viruses. The vegetable deservedly received this fame, which is especially noticeable during the SARS season. It also accelerates the elimination of bacterial toxins released after the death of microbes. Sick individuals who use red onions recover much faster and are easier to return to work.
✅ A decongestant – quercetin, found in onions, stimulates the excretion of interstitial fluid, which in large quantities manifests itself in the form of edema. In diseases of the heart and kidneys, the vegetable is recommended in moderation to remove stagnant fluid and stimulate metabolic processes.
✅ Cleansing the bronchi – the bulb can be called a natural mucolytic. As part of the red variety, enzymes were found that thin sputum and stimulate the peristalsis of bronchial cilia. Smokers will notice a great benefit from this effect, since a chronic morning cough for them will not be so painful if they use at least a small onion every day.
✅ Anthelmintic – large portions of fresh onions have a detrimental effect on parasitic worms. The composition of caustic juice quickly spreads not only through the digestive tract, but is also absorbed into the bloodstream and spreads to all organs. Therefore, not only intestinal parasites suffer, but also those living in the liver, muscles and other organs.
Dangerous effects from onions can occur when a person ignores warnings and eats a larger portion. In some diseases, it is completely better to abandon the fresh vegetable, as it can exacerbate and lead to serious complications.
❌ Increased stomach acidity – the vegetable is unacceptable for consumption by people who have an active ulcer in the stomach or intestines. When using even small portions, gastric acidity increases greatly and the disease only progresses, which is fraught with complications in the form of bleeding, perforation and defect penetration. For the same reason, the product is best avoided by those who suffer from heartburn and reflux disease of the esophagus.
❌ Irritation of the intestines – excessive portions of onions can provoke active intestinal peristalsis. It is possible to assume such a complication with the appearance of abdominal pain, bloating and colic. In order for the body to return to its usual state, it will be necessary to exclude the product from the diet for several days.
❌ Food allergies – any food can be made up of allergens, and the lily family is no exception. Onions have cross-reactivity with other vegetables from this family, as well as grass pollen. If you are allergic to pollen, you should carefully monitor the components of your diet.
If you ignore the indicated points of harm from the product, you can get more than good. If, nevertheless, the symptoms could not be avoided, then it is worth temporarily removing the vegetable from the daily menu.
Fresh red onions do not have the typical bitterness found in regular varieties. Instead, the taste is dominated by a slight sweetness and sharpness. When boiled or fried, the taste is lost, but the sweetish aroma remains.
In cooking, red onions are loved for the absence of bitterness, which is especially appreciated in the preparation of salads from fresh vegetables and snacks. It can be used in the same way as regular onion varieties. For example, add to soups, stew with meat and vegetables, add to pickles, pickle, cook pies with it and just serve it fresh as a snack. And you can also cut it into thick rings and bake it on the grill or arrange it in half rings on pizza, because even children will eat such a sweet onion.
The shelf life of onions largely depends on the variety, container, humidity and temperature of the environment. With a temperature range of 5-10 ° C, the bulbs are stored in a suitable form for up to 6️⃣ months. Later, they begin to germinate and quickly deteriorate. The “Yalta” variety is stored somewhat less – no more than 5️⃣ months.
To ensure the maximum period, it is worthwhile to responsibly approach the creation of a temperature regime and a place of storage. Wooden boxes, baskets and plastic nets save space in the basement or on the insulated balcony. It is important to create air circulation in the selected container so that the bulbs do not rot. Grandma’s way of storing onion heads in nylon tights is also suitable. It can also be stored in bulk on racks, but the layer height should not be more than 40-45 cm.
In storage, it is worth monitoring not only the temperature, but also the humidity. If stored improperly, the onions will quickly lose their usable appearance, taste, and begin to shoot green arrows. Periodically, you should check the vegetable stock for rotten specimens, which should be thrown away immediately.
Unpeeled heads keep well at room temperature for up to several months. The peeled vegetable will remain in the refrigerator for up to 2️⃣-3️⃣ days, but already on the first day it will begin to lose freshness. Moisture from the refrigerator only speeds up this process. To prolong its life, you can place the bulb in an airtight container and a little cold water. It is also allowed to wrap it with cling film or grease the cut with vegetable oil. This will help keep the freshness a little longer and save other foods from absorbing the onion smell. Dried bulbs, sealed in a vacuum package, are stored for 1️⃣2️⃣ months, and after opening can be used within 6️⃣ months.