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🧄Garlic🧄 is known in every corner of the globe, and in Russia it is considered one of the most popular spices. This vegetable is loved not only by its taste, but also by its healing properties, which are highly valued in folk medicine. In the culinary business, he also gained popularity. Garlic cloves and green feathers emphasize the taste of meat, chicken, fish dishes, and are also combined with pickles and marinades. That is why he received the status of a universal seasoning.


143 cal


6.50 gr


0.50 gr


29.90 gr

Nutritional value per 100 g. Calories calculated for raw foods.

Glycemic index


Common allergen


Make sure that you do not have an individual intolerance to this product.

Garlic photo

History of garlic

Presumably, the appearance of the first garlic crops was on a par with human evolution. People of the New Stone Age noticed a wild plant, distinguished by a pungent taste and a frightening smell. It was then that the vegetable first settled in human dwellings as a talisman.


Garlic story



The large-scale territory bounded by Afghanistan, northwestern Tibet, the southern border of Russia and the western part of China is considered the birthplace of wild garlic. It turned out that the vegetable is unpretentious to climatic conditions and therefore quickly spread throughout the world.


The historical past knows several stories confirming the importance of the spice. For example, the Egyptian slaves staged large-scale riots, refusing to continue the construction of the pyramids, because of the delay in their portions of garlic. And India learned about the spice as a healing medicine. From there, this knowledge was passed on to the Romans, Greeks, Jews, where the cultivation of spices began as a remedy for all diseases.


Garlic was brought to Russia in the 11th century, and from that moment its history began. It is difficult to name the exact date, because the first mention of the spice in Russia was found in the annals of the 8th century. But from the 17th-18th centuries, information about the vegetable often came across in various herbalists, which described its healing effect against sore throats, scurvy and insomnia.

The benefits and harms of garlic

The vegetable received great value precisely due to its medicinal properties. It is equally useful both when consumed with food and as a traditional medicine. Fans of garlic taste are immune from some unpleasant diseases, and they also tolerate colds more easily.


garlic benefits



✅  Cancer Prevention – A raw vegetable consumed at least 2-3 times a week reduces the likelihood of developing lung cancer by 40%. This opinion arose among the Chinese empirically. Later, the Americans found that sulfur compounds from the composition of garlic can destroy brain tumor cells – glioblastoma. And the Japanese found a relationship between a decrease in the risk of prostate cancer and the systematic use of vegetables from the onion family. The fact is that the largest reserves of germanium, an active antitumor element, were found in these plants.


✅  The fight against osteoarthritis – the British were also able to make a discovery about the benefits of garlic for the body. In their long-term study, a group of women who consumed the onion family were significantly less likely to suffer from deforming arthrosis. And after several months of observation, it was found that their bones became stronger.


✅  Heart protection – garlic oil, rich in esters, has found its use in the fight against atherosclerosis and some vascular diseases. For example, the sulfur compound allitridine has a protective and restorative effect on the myocardium. This fact allows the use of garlic as a medicine in the recovery period after myocardial infarction. Scientists have discovered a new effect of sulfur compounds – the prevention of cardiomyopathy in patients with diabetes.


✅  Prevention of preterm birth – women are familiar with the difficulties of treating infectious diseases during childbearing. The fact is that only a limited list of medicines is available for admission. The antimicrobial action of garlic has found its application in obstetric practice. Treating certain infections in this way somewhat reduces the likelihood of miscarriage from colds.


✅  Participation in the metabolism of iron – the use of a vegetable favorably affects the work of ferroportin, an iron transporter between cells. With an insufficient amount of this element, the transfer of iron becomes impossible. Spices are assigned the role of a stimulator of the synthesis of ferroportin, due to which the movement of iron becomes continuous.


✅  Remedy for colds – the systematic use of garlic supplements for 3 months a year significantly reduces the risk of SARS. In addition, the vegetable is indirectly involved in supporting the immune system, which also makes the body less susceptible to colds.


✅  An antiparasitic agent – a spicy taste and aroma has a detrimental effect on helminths, especially ascaris do not like garlic. Such conclusions were obtained in the process of laboratory experiments, and folk methods are also known to rid a person of parasites using garlic recipes.


✅  A natural antibiotic – vegetable phytoncides are detrimental to many microbes. The global pharmacological problem with the growth of resistance to synthetic antibiotics makes it necessary to invent new drugs. But the advantage of garlic is that it is always destructive to microbes. Its component allicin blocks the division of bacteria, so we can say that the vegetable has a similar strength to pharmaceutical preparations.


✅  Dermatological agent – the cauterizing effect of garlic is effective in removing warts, papillomas and in the treatment of corns. And decoctions, tinctures and masks based on it do a good job with baldness.


Garlic treatment is really effective and in almost all cases it is safe. However, the use of the plant can cause side effects.



Garlic harm



❌  Gastrointestinal disorders – it is difficult to deny the irritating effect of the spice on the stomach. Most often, troubles are manifested by belching, heartburn, stomach and intestinal pain.


❌  Bleeding is a very rare occurrence for garlic. In large quantities, it is able to thin the blood, which can manifest from non-healing wounds to heavy postoperative bleeding. Seasoning is contraindicated for those who take blood-thinning drugs or people who are preparing for an upcoming operation.


❌  Headache – a vegetable can really interfere with the work of the brain, which has an inhibitory effect on it and various disorders. Another important aspect is the likelihood of provoking an epileptic seizure.


❌  Exacerbation of chronic diseases – having pathologies of the stomach, intestines, kidneys and gallbladder, you should be more careful about garlic supplements. Excessive use of this spice in any case has some effect on all organs, and systems where chronic processes are noted receive a greater “hit”.


Do not turn a blind eye to the aggressive properties of garlic, they should always be remembered by those who have encountered the listed symptoms at least once.

What does garlic taste like

Fresh spice has a sharp taste with a residual aftertaste. The smell of garlic is bright, more revealed in the process of frying. The arrows of a young vegetable are more bitter in taste, so they are often used to add a delicious flavor to dishes. Black garlic has a more delicate and slightly sweet taste with no spicy notes.

How to eat garlic

🧄A fresh vegetable is suitable for any meat and fish dishes, as well as poultry dishes. It is added to salads, appetizers and sauces. Garlic flavor is appropriate in soups, marinades and stews. Even canned food can be made from it, for example, some housewives salt and pickle whole heads or green arrows.


🧄Peeled cloves can be dried and crushed into small crumbs – this is how dried garlic is obtained, which retains its taste and smell longer than a fresh one. And by adding sea salt to the powder, you can get a new spice – garlic salt, which is ideal for rubbing meat before frying.


🧄Koreans have found a new use for spice heads. By subjecting the vegetable to a certain sourdough technique, they obtained “black garlic”. This product is more popular in Asia and Africa due to its sweet taste. And the inhabitants of the Mediterranean coast love garlic as part of the Aioli sauce, which consists of only two ingredients: garlic cloves and olive oil.

How and how much to store garlic

Garlic storage



Choosing a spice for long-term storage is not difficult. It is enough to find whole and dry heads. It is advisable to eat sprouted specimens in the first place, as they quickly lose their taste.


If garlic is planned to be consumed in the next month, then you can store it on the lower shelves of the refrigerator. For long-term storage, this method is not suitable. The fact is that the condensate of the refrigerator leads to the appearance of mold on the heads. The optimal place for storage is a dry and dark room with a temperature of 5-15 °C. Before the final laying, it is worth laying out the heads in baskets, paper bags or boxes with holes. With this method of storage, garlic will retain its taste, smell and usable appearance for up to 6-8 months.